Wednesday, November 21, 2012


November is "We Are Thankful" month! Thanksgiving and Fall are usually times to celebrate family. The first Thanksgiving took place in 1621 when the Plymouth colonists (Pilgrims) and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast. This is a great time to emphasize sharing and being thankful for what they have.

Here are ideas you might useful:

  • Write thankful letters to soldiers.
  • Make a construction paper turkey. Write something you are thankful for on each tail feather.
  • Have your child create a poem about something they are thankful for and share it with the family at the dinner table.
  • Encourage your child to go through their toy box and select five toys they would like to give to a needy child.
  • As a family, make “thankful” placemats for Thanksgiving dinner. Give each family member a 14”X14” felt piece (or whatever size fits your dinnerware). Using fabric glue, attach pictures (either drawn or printed ones) that show thankfulness. Use a fabric marker to draw and write on the placemat.
  • Using the word THANKFUL, write something you are thankful for for each letter of the word.
  • Bake something tasty for a shut-in.

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