Monday, March 23, 2015

Welcome Spring!

With spring approaching, something fun we like to do is explore how nature is changing around us.  With a wooded area nearby, we have the opportunity to view the changes in the trees, the animal wildlife, and the way the weather starts to wake up the woods.  We explore ant hills, snake holes (carefully), and hunt for toads.

We search for tracks and listen for birds.  We write down what we see and sounds we hear.  We draw pictures of the observations we make.  We then take this information inside to the computer and start with our research.  It was by listening to a bird outside and then doing a little web search that we were able to find that a Chuck-will’s Widow lives somewhere nearby.  He has a rather interesting call that seems to go into the night.

Welcome spring!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Music in Your Homeschool

Music is a great addition to your homeschool if you are looking for something fun and educational to include in your day. Taking some time to explore the sounds of music from many years ago and comparing it to music that is available to us now is a great way to examine the similarities and differences.  It’s neat to compare and contrast musical stylings as you learn about a new subject.  

Another really fun aspect of incorporating music studies into your homeschool is by including online music games.  Learning about percussion, wind, and string instruments are all made more exciting by using games to enhance music education.  Plus, any chance to include fun in your day is a good day for the kids!  

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!

As a new year begins, I try to take this time to evaluate how our school year has been going to this point.  Are things working out as I had hoped or do we need to make a mid-year change to any of our curriculum options?  Regardless of how much I like the product or how much I may have spent on it, if it’s not working for us, it’s not something I want to continue to use in our homeschool.

How is your teaching going with plans you made at the start of the year?  Have you found any adjustments that should be made or changes to curriculum you need perform?  Don’t allow your curriculum to make choices for you.  If you don’t like it or it’s not working, then change it so it does work for your homeschool or put it aside.  You are the boss of your homeschool curriculum, not the other way around.  Be sure to keep that in mind when scrutinizing the efficiency of your resources.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Art Time = Fun Time

When December rolls around I’m excited by the opportunity to focus on some fun projects we don’t always have the time to include in our day.  While science may be the most exciting subject around here, art is a very close second.  The kids enjoy any excuse to get messy and art offers plenty of opportunities.

We use a fun art curriculum that showcases interesting videos along with how to recreate the art projects at home.  This often leads to discussions of different art adventures that we would be interested in pursuing.  Sometimes, we include additional art lessons right away, other times we save them for exploration at a later date.  

If you are looking for ways to take a break from your regular lessons, look into a fun and new art program to keep your days interesting and fun.  

Monday, November 10, 2014

Holiday Fun

The holidays are quickly approaching and that’s an exciting time in our homeschool!  We like to do crafts, activities, stories, and anything that involves glue and paint!  One aspect of homeschooling we like to take advantage of during the holiday season is lapbooking.  We enjoy the finished product of lapbooking as well as taking a break from our regular school lessons to do something new.  

Sometimes, it’s nice to take a week or two to try something new or do something different.  The holidays are a lovely time to do just that.  It allows your family the opportunity the come together to focus on something fun and interesting and to embrace a nice change of pace from your regular schedule.  

Enjoy this time with your homeschooled kiddos!  The time goes so quickly and the holidays can be so magical!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Nature Studies

We definitely try to incorporate seasonal learning into our homeschool days.  The kids love to talk about autumn and the changes a season bring to us.  I love the opportunity to discuss the nature that surrounds us and how the gorgeous scenery is more than just a beautiful backdrop to our lives.  

We discuss the
balance of nature and how plants and animals will start to adapt the cooling weather.  We take walks and listen to the leaves crunch, the birds fly above us, and the bugs sing their chorus.  It’s a marvelous time to open up discussions on nature related topics and how the life cycle of a tree changes is the same from year to year.  

Take some time to embrace the newness of the fall season and the passing of summer.  Boots and scarves, jackets and bonfires all make this season one full of wonderment.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to School Time

Back to school time!  The curriculum has been chosen, supplies have been purchased, and books are ready to go.  The months of planning and preparing have come to fruition and it’s time to get the teaching underway.  

It is definitely exciting when a new school year begins.  The kids are ready to get back to their regularly scheduled programming and I’m ready to have the “I’m bored!” chorus cease!  The newness of school after a few months away bring back refreshed and interested kids, even if it lasts all too brief.  

Embrace the excitement of the new year as it fades faster and faster with each year.  Talk longer if they will listen, read more if they ask, and allow the learning to continue.  Far too soon you will hear the refrain of school time groans creeping back into your homeschool.